Nordics alien species book

The anunnaki date all the way back to ancient mesopotamia. Read this expanded fourth edition of ufos and aliens. Totally invested with every single character, whether they are good or bad, the pages turn. Jan 15, 2018 the nordic aliens or aryan aliens describes an alleged alien species, which is characterized by a very human appearance.

After dozing off, he awoke with a start to find two bizarrelooking, naked women in his bed. Are taller than the average human have more of a muscular build than the average human. So here are five aliens species that many alien enthusiasts claim have visited us repeatedly so much so that we learned their names and could even be living aside us on earth. Jun 06, 2019 while we dont actually know if aliens exist, reports by abductees have generated enough physical descriptions and details of characteristics regarding these alien beings that, over time, it has become clear that there were, at least, three different species. In the grail lore, there were those who protected the grail, and those who were its enemies seeking to usurp it. They are evolutionary helpers and also guardians that watch over species progression.

This alien channeler says he speaks to extraterrestrials. Named for their striking physical similarity to scandinavian humans, these spacefaring visitors are almost universally regarded as an advanced, peaceful and benevolent culture. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. The nordic aliens or aryan aliens describes an alleged alien species, which is characterized by a very human appearance. Features include an alien abduction survey, a discussion group, questions and answers, research, photos, drawings, personal encounters, and much more. They are said to be one of the alien races in contact with earth. Some stand more than 8 feet tall, run 40 mph and live 800 years. A shadow being also known as a shadow figure, shadow person or black mass is the perception of a patch of shadow as a living, humanoid figure who, like the jinn, may be either evil, helpful or neutral and may be an extradimensional inhabitant of another universe. The anunnaki are perhaps one of the bestknown alien species together with the greys. As mentioned, there is antagonism among nordic alien factions, and now it should be clear that some are quite arrogant, fascist, and psychopathic. But when a human gets close to an alien, the alien s energy field activates the human into becoming consciously brighter. Angels and demons are actually positive and negative aliens.

The earth is being visited by a wide variety of different extra terrestrials. Professed contactees describe them as typically male, six to seven feet tall about two meters with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and skin tones ranging from fair to tanned. Their planets are extremely hot and dry, and have a low oxygen content in the atmosphere. On the other hand the nordics are our righteous saviours who strongly oppose the greysreptillians. They range from midgets to giants, godlike humans to bizarre monsters. Nordics, alien descriptions of the nordics by burlington ufo. Nordics tall whitesyou know billys visitors, were on this ball to help through warnings or possibly advance their own agenda. The nordic alien project plan for the coming harvest of. So, the typefeline alien species are very varied and they are scattered in the constellations of pleiades, lyra, sirius and others, in another universe. In ufology, nordic aliens are humanoid extraterrestrials purported to come from the pleiades who resemble nordicscandinavians. Online shopping from a great selection at books store. I just read his posthumous book he was killed by a drunk driver entitled passport to the cosmos, which also refers to them. Individuals who have allegedly come in contact with the nordics say that they are here to observe our culture and not interfere in our evolution.

On may 24, my anonymous source, jp, who has provided dozens of photos of different types of craft belonging to a united states air force usaf secret space program says he encountered a human looking nordic extraterrestrial. Extraterrestrials referred to as blond nordics stand between 68 feet tall and have very human features, so much so, that experiencers and contact researchers believe they are either advanced humans from other planets or et human hybrids. Of all of the species known believed to inhabit to the milky way, the arcturians are the most ancient and the wisest. We have around 160 different species at our biosphere from several points in the universe. If i remember correctly, the primary nordic contact was called valiant thor and could read minds among other things.

Oct 20, 2017 in this full alien documentary episode you can find out the purpose and stories of the following alien races. Meanwhile, another alien race, he dubs the nordics, worked with the u. Three of the most influential alien species on earth. Nordic aliens were depicted in ancient civilizations worldwide as angelic beings descended from the sky to share spiritual wisdom. The 50s contactees seemed to report that the majority of the saucer pilots were aryans longhaired, blonde, tall beings from venus or other planets in the solar system. Signs you are a pleiadian starseed nordic aliens, alien. They speak like a dog barking or a bird chirping, write similar. Nordic aliens also referred as blondes, are a species of humanoid extra terrestrials that are found in various parts of the galaxy. Theirs was the first system to be given the gift of life in our. Alien abduction experience and research is the worlds largest web site into the alien abduction experience. The blonde humanoids and tall white aliens, are reported humanoid aliens which supposedly have been visiting planetearth before birth of jesus. These tall tales have been promoted by governmentdominated media outlets countless times.

A group of asiatic or nordic humans who, sources claim, discovered a vast system of caverns below the region of the gobi desert and surrounding areas thousands of years ago, and have since established a thriving kingdom within, one which has been interacting with otherplanetary systems up. We must keep this in mind should nordic aliens show themselves to the world one day. What always seems strange to me is that each of these species appearance seems to match their moral allignment. These expression were widely used in ufology circles during a period of. It is possible that in the many reports of blond nordic beings, some of those cases may actually fall into the category of tall whites and visa versa. This symbolizes humanity being tricked by the reptilians.

The book of alien races over 82 species on earth full. On the other hand the nordics are our righteous saviours who strongly oppose the greysreptilians. But lets see what i found out about original lyran felines. Dracos, reptilians, agharians, aghartians, alphadraconians, altairians, amphibians. Now, a major harvest that will remove the majority of people from earth is coming. Howard menger claimed contact with nordic aliens in his books, such as from outer space to you. Excellent story nordic aliens tell putin, dont worry, we have got. Lost civilizations, oracles, robots, and the bird language of the gods. Access to free bonus inside book act now before gone. In the tbs show people of earth, a comedy about alien encounters, a nordic is one of three main alien characters along with reptilian and a grey. Burlington ufo and paranormal research and education center nordics are a humanoid star culture often referred to as the elohim. Whether either is the origin planet or system of the nordics is debatable, and it is possible that they wish to keep their true home a secret for security reasons. Mack spoke with over 200 individuals with no mental illness who had had enconters or been abducted by aliens of various species. Iran says tall, white space aliens control america.

The reptilian aliens are our evil overlords who control our government and the greys are there evil minions according to some people their populations exceed 600 billion. Navy space carriers designed by nordic aliens for the secret space program to be used in the harvest of humans by michael relfe while the government run ufo business of websites, books, videos and conferences has been pointing at lights in the sky and whispering about alien disclosure, someone else has been. Top 10 proofs of nordic aliens on earth proof of alien. The book of alien races kindle edition by petro, dante and, races, alien, aliens, ancient, files, ufo, books, ufo, species, anunnaki, extraterrestrials. Jun 21, 2011 alien species and how to spot them by max hartshorn from left to right. Greys have been the predominant extraterrestrial beings of alleged alien contact since the 1960s. Nov 28, 2016 the nordics are a humanlike species who first began appearing to contactees in the 1950s, claiming to be from the planet venus and later the pleiades star cluster. They are described as lightskinned, tall, with blond or white hair and usually with blue eyes, and because of their appearance, they are described as nordic, in the style of the scandinavian population, or aryan. He claims the nordic was wearing a usaf uniform and invited him to go for a ride in a landed saucershaped craft in a secluded wooded area of orlando, florida. Salla, citing charles suggs, whose father, a former navy commander, was present at the meeting, chronicles the proceedings thus. What this passage is speaking of is an ancient war between nordics and reptilians. This is according to claims made by william tompkins, a u. Are pleiadian nordic aliens an antiracist intelligence. They do this with genetic methods to which there is an energetic component, and through teaching spiritual principles to help species learn to use their psychic acumen.

With this special third edition of ufos and aliens. Tall whites, pleiadians and blond nordic ets by hybrids rising. Clifford stone reports that the united states government has documented over 50 alien species that have come to our earth, i believe i have. You will also discover the negative aspects and possible intentions of some alien races. Alien species and how to spot them by max hartshorn from left to right. The term derives from a human racial perspective, the same way the grays is used to identify beings that appear gray skinned. I just read his posthumous book he was killed by a drunk driver entitled passport to. Its not the easiest book to get your hands on but its quite an interesting read whether fiction or otherwise. This is a major reason for the current craziness in politics and the media. South africa is being threatened by invasive alien species. While most people probably think of alien abductions as something very unpleasant, often including painful experiments and torture, there is a reported case of these abductions being extremely enjoyable the abductions done by the nordic aliens. Greyskinned humanoids, usually 34 feet tall, hairless, with large heads, black almondshaped eyes, nostrils without a nose, slits for mouths, no ears and 34 fingers including thumb.

There are no black nordic aliens from what i have witnessed so far. Nordics are humanoids, physically indistinguishable from. Davian art galactic and intuitive art, book covers, illustrations. Tall whites, pleiadians, blond nordic et aliens alien abduction. Mayhaps using this ball as a repair centre for sometimes bangedup ships. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness. Annunaki is the name given to a race of extraterrestrials by the sumerians. What distinguishes stories about nordic aliens from the other ones is the emotion and thoughts of the teller. Some people think we should revere aliens as gods, and others believe they are trying to take our entire planet down in a fiery intergalactic war.

These are the most commonly encountered alien species here on earth. In the episode aliens among us of the tv show scoobydoo. Do you want to know the truth about alien encounters. Hailing from the planet nibiru, they came to earth in order to mine our gold. Alien races and descriptions, alien races, varginha ebes. George adamski was another early nordic contactee of the 1950s, and claimed to be in contact with a group of nordic aliens from venus. President along with othersmet and spoke with two whitehaired nordics alien other name tall white aliens that had pale blue eyes and colourless lips. Although nordics are humanoid and externally almost identical to humans. There are certainly many true incidents where credible people have got the opportunity to witness nordic aliens in front of their eyes.

There are subtle differences in the nordic alien physiology, and most of them are based on the living conditions that they have grown up in. My life in the top secret world of ufos, thinktanks and nordic secretaries 9781515217466. The book includes photographs of some of the nordics as well. Mar 23, 2018 a real nordic alien, a tall, slender supernatural nordic, owl bob calls it for lack of more specific terminology. They starseeded and mated with other species like the reptilians, and thats why its hard to give them an exact description. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading ancient aliens.

The flatwoods monster was an alien that was sighted on september 12, 1952 in flatwoods, west virginia, usa biology edit. Reptilian aliens, according to the book, attack numerous planets and aim to disrupt planetary life, colonize, and enslave its inhabitants. Have any of you ever heard of this book or read it. The book of revelation describes a war in heaven between angels led by the archangel michael against those led by the dragonidentified as the devil or satanwho are defeated and thrown down to the earth. Alien facts alien types, alien types, alien species alien. Thank you so much to the author for her wonderful books. See more ideas about nordic aliens, aliens and ufos and ufo. The monster is a 3 meters tall, quasihumanoid beast with a glowing red face surrounded by a strange hoodlike structure.

Navy has in the past cooperated with an alien race to develop technology that can be used to defend the planet against invasions from reptilian alien attacks. This is a list of alleged extraterrestrial beings that have been reported in close encounters, claimed or speculated to be associated with unidentified flying. I posted an in5d article that has some information from wes penre on his viewpoint of identifying good and bad races, called extraterrestrial races. One woman had a nordic appearance, with light skin, an elongated face, a sharp chin, and blue eyes that appeared about two or three times bigger than those of a human. Top 10 proofs of nordic aliens on earth proof of aliens life. Think about how many times serpent, dragon and other similar words for reptiles are mentioned in the bible. The nordic alien project plan for the coming harvest of humans.

The aliens got known after a british woman reported seeing two of them in a ufo, orbiting around her. He wrote several books on the subject and said that his materials were cleared by the fbi and us government. These fantastical aliens are said to be of the extraterrestrial pleiadian race, which are a species of humanoids from outer space that physically resemble ethnic nordic europeans, some claim they are angelic. These beings arrived from a planet called nibiru which allegedly approaches our solar system every 3600 years. Jan 09, 2010 the greys are a negative species condemened to only our planet cast out of the heavens by god when satan and god had a dissagreement, the greys reptilians snaakes in the bible are hear the nordics and other positive species are in the heavens and can travel among the heavens and earth, however when they touch earth, when the angels come hear. In a world without the matrix and duality, we could easily imagine seeing ourselves side by side with an array of different beings not unlike the cantina bar in the movie star wars. For example, the reptillians look like the mutant villains you see in comic books and generally look evil.

Contact with nordic alien in usaf uniform whose spacecraft. The species referred to as the tall whites is another that is somewhat elusive or at best, confusing. There are many more,but i couldnt find any pictures of them. Nordics was a popular moniker that started in the late 50s, coined by george adamski, to refer to extraterrestrials who had the appearance of being fair skinned, and often blond and blue eyed. We talk now about the other five alien races that stayed much longer than any other race and have much more influence during our history. Az of alien species europes largest ufos and aliens. I am absolutely hooked and can not wait to read more. Youll be so glad you discovered this secret, worldchanging information. The russian military was in contact with nordic aliens. A brief incursion into any one of timothy goods excellent books will soon lead one to an unmistakable conclusion. Nordic conspiracy nordic aliens are not aliens nordic. Zetas are called upon for upgrading species from 3d to 4d. The consciousness of aliens is very bright and energetic, while that of humans is very dim.

Below are discussed about top 10 proof of nordic aliens on the planet earth. Charles hall called tall whites aliens this race is the origin of the stars near arcturus. Accinni is one of the best series i have read in a long while. University of oxford instructor younghae chi says space aliens are breeding with humans to create heatresistant hybrids who can survive climate change. Humans who have supposedly come in contact with these aliens tell us that the nordic aliens are friendly, positive and they mentally fill you with a feeling of immense love and friendship. The fortunate reader of this book will be imbued with knowledge of alien species, descriptions, their ships and place of origin, as well as information on how alien races have contributed to human evolution here on earth. Hi op and all, id agree there are many alien races visiting us, including the chlorifil models.

Nordic alien true story, how i met a real nordic alien youtube. His book features sketches of spacecraft he designed. The south african national biodiversity institute and the centre for invasion biology at. They have angular faces with bottomless blueeyes that project light from them, capable of lighting an entire room. Pdf initial risk assessment of alien species in nordic coastal. Nordic aliens are believed to have been originated from pleiades star cluster which is around 400 lights years away from. His books refer to three species, nordic aliens, grays and reptilians. If yoda came from any one of the alien species on this list, it would probably have been this one. Below are discussed about the top 20 nordic aliens facts that will certainly make you amaze. Later in childhood, the nordic aliens picked him up in a flying craft and brought him to a base built inside a remote mountain. Nordic aliens and reptilians and other species have been harvesting humans from planet earth for centuries.

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